March 7, 2014

Waihirere Waterfall Walk

Waterfalls are pretty hard to come by in Nebraska...and Arizona! So I was excited to find that there was a walk to the Waihirere Waterfal very close to Gisborne. This was one of the few areas that I could take the dogs with me to so they got to tag along. Amazingly some of my pictures turned out despite having to rather exuberant dalmations on leashes! I was rather worried about them pulling me, with my camera, into the water... but we survived just fine.

The waterfall is back about a mile from the start of the track and has two little tiers. Since I had the two dogs I didn't climb around to get a view of the top but apparently between the two levels is a green moss covered pool. I thought it was interesting that along this walk the plants and trees didn't seem quite as "jungle" like.



Oh what a beautiful place to sit and just take a moment to enjoy the sound of the waterfall, maybe a read a bit....hahahaha not when you bring the dogs!

But really it was a beautiful spot and so quiet! I didn't see a single other person while I was out there.

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