March 15, 2014

Roadtrip Part 3 - Rere Rock Slide

Stop 3 was the Rere Rock Slide! This was so amazing to me because it was a perfect natural slide and there was absolutely no charge to go there. They had a nice parking area with bathrooms it was completely open to the public. It was fun because even if you didn't know the other people there, someone would share a boogie board or float so you could go down and everyone would cheer and watch. The day was not the best weather for going down the slide and really there wasn't a lot of water coming down because of how dry the summer had been, but I still had fun. I got some good shots of the slide to begin with.

BUT!! I am proud to say that this girl didn't just watch! I went down the slide too! Considering I am not a water person and it was a bit chilly (note the wetsuits on several people) I was impressed with myself. And the pictures might not make it seem that intense, but it was steep and fast.

Some of the facial expressions were funny....

Made it!

It was a pretty good roadtrip and I made it back without waiting too long for the herd of sheep :)

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