March 15, 2014

Roadtrip Part 1 - Eastwood Arboretum

February 25th I took my first roadtrip in New Zealand. I have been getting a little more familiar with this whole driving on the left so I decided it was time to branch out and see a couple things beyond my biking/running radius. This gave me a closer view of the twisty roads of New Zealand and I headed inland from Gisborne to my first stop, Eastwoodhill Arboretum. The funny part about this "roadtrip" is I traveled no more than 70k.... less than 45 miles! But I do tend to drive slower, and the road was a bit country! I was stopped on the way for farm equipment and on the way back for a herd of sheep!
First Stop of the trip is the national arboretum. This is the largest collection of northern hemisphere trees in the southern hemisphere, so in some ways it seemed a little familiar. The arboretum was founded in 1910 so it has some pretty amazing trees. 

This photo made me feel like I was back home actually, could be a spot up in the sandhills from the looks of it! They have been having a really dry year so the hills are pretty brown, instead of green like in Palmerston North.

It seems so weird to find fall in February!

This was a bunch of the most beautiful red flowers! Such a great color!

Pretty good walk to start my day.

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