May 9, 2014

My Little Haven for March and April

The first week I was in Whangarei I really was a bit of a hermit, but with a house that beautiful, the big lawns and the garden I felt like I had this cute B&B all to myself and I took full advantage. The views were ridiculous and the weather was perfect.


Sunrise, sunset and even during the day the kiwi orchard, nearby farmland and local mountains were beautiful. Not to mention the gardens around the house,

I read, Skyped, ate and just hung out in the sun on this pretty deck. The house has a nice little surrounding of native bush so it is very tucked away. I loved the big trees all around.... until we got a wind storm!

They even had a little pond of water lilies and goldfish their son made when he was younger.

 I know that this wasn't exciting tourist stuff but I did really love the area. It was neat to be living on a mountain and to have the people so aware of the history of the area. Mungatapere Mountain which is right behind there house was settled by the Walton family. Before the family left they showed me part of the old fruit orchard the Waltons had planted and even where one is buried nearby.

One of the mornings I even woke up to find that I was now on an "island" of sorts! The fog comes through in the mornings and settles in the lower areas. This particular morning it wasn't anywhere in the yard or the orchard, but all of the land around was in a blue mist.  

What a great place to explore the North from!


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