May 9, 2014

The Neighbors! And Horses!

One of the best things that the family did before leaving was to introduce me to the neighbors. I was so excited to see that they have a wonderful horse set up at their place. Along with several horses they had an adorable collection of dogs, cats, chooks (chickens) and even one very large goat. I had a lot of fun coming over to ride and getting to know them better. They were wonderful and I had a lot of fun hanging out with them. 
Their view was pretty amazing too.

The Girls
The Boys

The Ponies

 HUGE Harry the Goat and Brandy

Why is this girl always taking pictures?

She thought she could hide...

What a little cutie!
But not even the chooks were safe from my camera! It was really fun to be out feeding animals and just doing barn work again. Not that Snickers isn't fun to take care of, but there is just something about outdoor work like that.

She had a front row seat for the show, That Crazy American Girl, it wasn't always a hit but hey, it was a good time. And it had jumps...just a couple times.

While Todd and I played around Walter was getting back in shape for his dressage training. While I had ridden English and loved jumping, I really didn't have much experience in dressage riding. So when they had a lesson done on Walter I actually got to go and watch. The instructor actually rode Walter first and really did an impressive job of getting him going. I found it really interesting that they were focusing so much on how Walter was using his body to move. You could tell they were intent on laying a good foundation to put more advanced training on.

A lot of my time was spent with the neighbors and I really had so much fun with them and all their cute animals. Getting to ride horses was a real treat!

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