May 17, 2014

Women's Tramping Club - Uretiti Beach

Yep... you read that right. A women's tramping club, gets me every time. But in Whangarei I was able to join a tramping group that went out every Thursday and I really did have a lot of fun with these ladies. I enjoyed the company and learned a lot about the animals and plants along the trail.
The first walk that I went on with them was at the Uretiti Beach conservation area. This was a beautiful beach south of Whangarei with a view of Bream Bay. I loved the color of the waves on this beach. Plus it had a really nice view of the Bream Heads, some of the bay Islands and Marsden Point.
The beach was so full of shells it was crazy. The women thought that it might have been because of the big storm from the week before and all the large waves dragging stuff up.
This is the first whole sand dollar I have seen, it was really really fresh though!
There were piles of shells where it looked like the birds had quite a feast. It also made me want to try and make an actual seashell bra like The Little Mermaid.
I also had fun playing with the shadows and photographing the different shells. I am trying to limit myself to one shell from each beach. Otherwise I'm going to have way too many shells and rocks when I leave here!
The waves were really great with the colors and the light coming through. I even posted all the pictures with no editing. Good photos, little beach workout, and a little bit of time in the sun is a pretty great way to spend a  Thursday.

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