May 14, 2014

Abbey Caves with the WINGS Group

One of the groups that I was able to take part in while I was in Whangarei was W.I.N.G.S, or Women's International Newcomers Group Social. This was a fun group of women from around the world living in Whangarei that got together to do a lot of different activities. They had arts and craft days, regular coffee groups, a clothing exchange, and cultural events. I was able to catch their monthly meeting where they talked about upcoming events and have some fun activity. The meeting I was at included a Salsa lesson for the activity. Brought back a few memories from Mrs. Damoude's class! I was excited to join the walking group and the first walk that they went on was to the Abbey Caves. These a group of three caves and an area of limestone boulders. I really enjoy talking with these interesting people and getting a chance to explore a trail with them. 

I really liked the boulders and the way that they were tucked into some of the trees and hills of the area.

I also found it funny that we were headed out to walk the Abbey Caves but none of us actually went in! I had my little light on my charge stick but it was no match for the dark cave and no one else had remembered a good light either. I am really not one for caves, little claustrophobic. There was also water in some of the caves which wasn't really something I wanted to wade through in the dark. But the real deal breaker was when they started talking about Cave Wetas. (Picture found on Google later)
THIS jumping on me in the dark of a cave... not a chance! I don't care how cool glow worms are! I didn't feel near as much of a chicken when I wasn't the only one who thought they were a deal breaker. I am thinking that I will maybe try one of the cave tours but after seeing this I am not up for a DIY cave experience.

Even if no caves were actually entered, it was a fun day walking the path around the three caves with these women.

This ended up being a little short of a walk compared to what I had been doing previously, but I was able to get an introduction to another walking group. Its all about the people you meet. I figure this is really good practice for the networking I will have to do when looking for a job back in the States.

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