May 25, 2014

Otaika Track

Near Mungatapere there is a track that leads all the way into town over the hills I decided to try one afternoon. My idea when I looked at the track was to do it as an over and back, not going farther than about 3 miles in and turning around. As I tend to do, I underestimated the trip a little bit. 
Sadly the trail guide had warned that this track would be very difficult if there had been rain recently, but I didn't think that it had. The muddy clay trail was really steep and slippery in a lot of places and once I got to the top, I was pretty certain I would fall going back down. As fun as rolling down the muddy hillside with my camera sounded, I decided I would have to find another way back. The stubborn in me of course wouldn't turn around right away!
But the sights along the trail were pretty. I really like the way that random leaves will sprout along the trunk of the trees here. That along with all of the moss.

This was one of the harder trails to follow, it was a little less marked and didn't look like many people frequently traveled it.

But as usual there was a bench at the top with a really nice little view all the way back to the Mungatapere Mountain.

I wasn't able to get a picture of it but near this part of the trail I had a bit of a fright. I have not seen any animals other than birds on the trail up until now. Nothing at all, no deer or anything. All the sudden I turned around and on the trail was this all black goat! It was probably a feral goat as it had big horns that reminded me of a Bovidae. Thankfully it wasn't as bit as Huge Harry the neighbor's goat!

After crossing the ridge I decided to try to head around the ridge along the road to get back to the car. It was a bit off the track and I actually had to cut through the back of a farm. But I was hoping it wouldn't take me too far out of the way.
I thought this was a really beautiful old tree and was trying to take a picture of it... and for some reason that really made this white goat here upset. He wouldn't leave me alone to get a good shot without him in it.

Black Sheep!!
But the walk back around had a nice view of the harbor.

If I were a wine drinker there was even a spot I could have stopped for refreshment along the way.

I was enjoying the walk, but there were times when I was worried I was going to be really late for riding that afternoon! Then I would spot something like this flower and it wasn't so bad again.

I was pretty happy to see the little yellow car! And from now on I will definitely check to see what the footing on the trail is before going!

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