December 15, 2014

Three Day Roadtrip North - Day 2

I headed out the start of the second day with one last place to visit in Kerikeri, Rainbow Falls. This was a waterfall right almost in the middle of the town and it is really beautiful.  

After some time playing with the camera and waterfall I set out on part of the roadtrip that had been recommended as a really beautiful drive. The drive was up along Matauri Bay road and that was actually my first stop.

This is a really beautiful area that is popular in the summer with both holiday goers and surfers. The view coming into the bay that morning was quite a treat for sure.

I was able to enjoy my coffee and a little beach combing while watching some of the local surfers enjoying the morning waves.

I then climbed up the hill to the Rainbow Warrior Memorial. The Rainbow Warrior ship was sunk off the coast of Matauri Bay near the Cavalli Islands. It is now a popular diving destination.

I thought that the memorial and the map along with the view from the top were well worth the steep climb. 

I continued my drive around the coast and was continually treated to the beautiful and rugged coastline. For some reason I had thought that as went farther north the island would be more gentle and flat, but as you can see, that was definitely not the case.

I couldn't help but be fascinated with all of the hanging moss along the quite road too, this tree was just completely covered in fuzzy moss like a lot of the fences.

After traveling along the Wainui road I reached the Whangaroa Harbour where it appeared a lot of fishing takes place.

Mangonui was the next little spot that I arrived at. I was there on market day and got to look around at some of the local crafts and goods.

It is the home of a pretty famous fish and chip (pronounced "fush and chups") shop too. I didn't partake as it was a bit early still and I had heard that they were a bit pricy!

The next area I was really excited to check out was My Peninsula. I liked when people asked how I spelled my name to say it is Kari like the peninsula not the town!
While there I visited my winery and was quite impressed with the view. I didn't sample the vintages, but I did grab a bottle since it had my name on it! 

From the winery I went to do a climb that was suppose to give you views of pretty much the entire peninsula from the top. It was well worth the side trip. You could see the beautiful beaches and the darker water of the swamp lands and lakes as well.

From my Penisula, I made my push for the far north tip of the North Island, Cape Reinga. The hills and views continued with the drive up the very skinny part of the island.

But as I reached close to the top the sand and rock became more of a golden color. To the west of the cape there were large golden beaches.

The point is very special, there is a light house and it is where two oceans meet and also where the Maori people believe that souls depart this world for the afterlife.

All around the trails there were plaques explaining some of the Maori legends.

To the west there were rough hills and cliffs.

The Kiwi's are big fans of sign posts like this, frequently you will see them along roads telling nearby towns but these gave you a little bit more of a global relation to where you are.

Cape Reinga is also the meeting place of the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean. I tried to capture the way that the waves kris crossed as the two merged.

It was a great place to spend the afternoon wandering reading the information and soaking up some sunshine.

The last place I visited up on the very top of the island was Spirits Bay, the Maori people consider much of the area very sacred. This bay is part of the areas that they believe is part of the stepping off point for the journey after death.

It was at this point that I decided I had better head back south and find somewhere for the second night. I had been on the lookout for backpackers along the way up and thought that finding a place for the night. I had however underestimated how long driving back down the long winding road would take so as darkness closed in I decided to try my first night of beach camping. For 7$ I got to park my little bumble bee in the campground and use the facilities there. I had a good old pb&j sandwich that I enjoyed and I called it an early night under the stars.

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