December 17, 2014

Bream Head Smuggler's Bay Walk

The afternoon of ANZAC Day was beautiful so John Jeanette and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and went out to explore Smuggler's Beach and the walk around the Busby Head point.
We didn't take on Mount Manaia but it was a pretty backdrop for our walk.

The refinery was even visible across the opening of the harbor off of Woolshed Bay. We walked around Busby Head via Home Point to see the gun emplacement on our way around.

This is a pukeko bird and was very common all over New Zealand.

Smuggler's Bay had two of the most beautiful beaches. One was a sand beach and the other was a pebble beach.

The weather was beautiful for the walk and given my time was nearly up in Whangarei before heading south for the winter I enjoyed every bit of the sunshine.

We drove back the long way around to get a view of the heads and the harbor from the hills on the way out. There is just no mistaking the Whangarei Bream Heads.

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