January 5, 2014

Welcome to Auckland

Fun Fact about Auckland: It is HILLY.

Fun Fact about Auckland: It is HUMID.

When we put these together what do we get???? Killer runs! I am almost embarrassed to link up my watch to the blog after the two runs that I have put in here. But here is the link just because I am a glutton for punishment and I said I would let you all see where I had been running. The first day I at least had the excuse my legs were dead from the long plane ride. Not sure what my excuse is today!

http://connect.garmin.com/dashboard (if that doesn't link to my profile I am listed as karibethdaly).

I have also discovered today that when I walk around taking pictures I can wear the watch and categorize that as "hiking" or "touring" so that they are differentiated from my runs. I did not do that the past couple days thinking it would mess with some of the features. It will be nice to see just how far I am walking some days!

Enough about running (for now). I am four days into this adventure now and there has been a learning curve. To begin with there is the hostel, which has really been quite nice. I was wrong in that there are only 3 other girls in the room with me. It is a quite small room with two sets of bunk beds, a mini fridge and a hair straightener. The all girls section of BASE Auckland is called The Sanctuary, and the walls are bright pink I am guessing so no one case say they didn't know they were in the girls only section. I have also learned that your level of enjoyment is all about your "roommates" levels of respect... as well as whether or not they snore! Here are a few pictures from outside BASE Auckland.

Of note! I am testing out some photo editing software. I am going to post all of the originals in this post and after playing with them, I will post the edited versions. Any advice or commentary is welcome as this will really be my first attempt with editing.

Some of the things I have done in the past few days are pretty boring but very necessary for getting things started. I now have a local mobile phone, have submitted my application for a tax ID number for working here in New Zealand, opened a bank account, got a library card, and got my first house sitting job. I will be traveling to Palmerston North, New Zealand for to housesit the end of next week. I have meet two other girls that just arrived on Work Holiday Visas, one from Korea and one from China. The girl from Korea is incredibly brave considering she has only been learning English a couple of months. I would be lying if I said there haven't been moments I felt rather overwhelmed but I can't imagine how much more intimidating this would be with a language barrier. 

I have also managed to repack my suitcase and backpack since the way they were packed for airline travel is nothing like what you want to actually live out of. In doing so I did an inventory on what I brought and am sad to say I definitely overpacked!

My Suitcase and Backpack contain for Shoes and Clothes (for 1 year):
  • 3 pair dress pants
  • 2 skirts
  • 9 nice tops (1/2 long sleeve 1/2 short sleeve)
  • 5 sweaters
  • 4 long sleeve shirts
  • 3 long sleeve workout shirts
  • 4 lounge/workout pants
  • 4 cardigan layering tops
  • 10 tank tops
  • 3 pairs of shorts
  • 6 workout shorts/capris
  • 3 dresses
  • 1 swimsuit and coverup
  • 3 pair dress shoes
  • 1 pair black boots
  • 1 pair running shoes
  • 1 pair sneakers
  • 3 pairs sandals
  • 2 hats
  • 2 gloves (1 pair accidentally stolen from my mother!)
  • 2 pair pajamas
  • Multiple undergarments and socks
Yeah... That's just the clothing and shoes I brought!! Not to mention the 15 tubes of chapstick and 50 pens that  somehow ended up coming with me! (one of  the pens was also stolen from mom....opps x 2).

Well since I have been so productive I have also let myself have some fun time and go out exploring with the camera. I have a lot on the list for the rest of this week in Auckland so stay tuned. Here are pictures from around the CBD area harbor and the bridge as well as some from Albert Park. Really loving the trees, flowers and greenery here.

Hope these don't overload you and as they say here, Cheers!

Sky Tower

Viaduct Harbor

CBD Auckland - Sky Tower

Sunrise on the Marina

Auckland Harbour Bridge

Packed Marina

These people have it rough! Wouldn't you like to have your morning coffee there!

Just so many boats!

Fishing isn't just for the boats.

These are the weirdest looking trees, they look fake!

Such old beautiful homes overlooking the harbor

Albert Park

These trees were out of control, but so beautiful.

Clock Tower - University of Auckland

These are everywhere, so pretty!

Beautiful path and one of the many hills destroying my legs!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some awesome trees!! You should set a goal of how many miles you want to run during your year there!
