January 12, 2014

Fun In Auckland

So the past week has been a bit busy and I am still getting use to this blogging thing. Sorry for the delay! I am going to try and get a couple posts done today to catch up. Much easier now that I actually have a whole house to myself!

To start with I have to say I am loving Skype! I have gotten to chat with several people during the past week and have really loved it. Seeing everyone has been great. It has also cut down on the doppelgänger sightings! It was funny during my time in Auckland just how many times I would be walking along and see and doppelgänger of someone from back home. I have never before really been one for spotting doppelgängers but since I am a HIMYM fan it made me laugh. I think it might have been a little due to how isolating it can seem coming to another country without knowing anyone. I was subconsciously searching for the familiar. So please keep up the Skype chats I do really enjoy them!  If you want to set one up or add me just email me and I will send you my Skype name. 

Well last Sunday was a bit rainy and cloudy in Auckland so I spent the afternoon in the Auckland Art Gallery. Fun fact the building itself has one first place recently at an international architecture conference and it is really just as beautiful as the art it holds. I was also quite impressed that it is one of New Zealand's Art Free Entry locations. They do free tours as well that are interesting as they focus on the New Zealand art that is present in the museum. 

A lot of the New Zealand art that they had which contained people you were not allowed to photograph. I did get shots of a couple pieces that I liked.

I heard that the amount of pictures was slowing the load time down a lot so I have tried to edit and pick my favorite pictures before posting. I am also trying to split up the posts so that I don't have quite so many pictures in each. Hope that helps!

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