January 13, 2014

Waiheke Island!

My treat to end my first week in New Zealand was a trip to Waiheke Island.

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Already I can see this will be hard to be choosey on the pictures! This little picturesque island is known for wine, beaches, sailing and beautiful walkways. It lived up to its reputation!

This massive cruise ship was docking and unloading that morning in Auckland. It dwarfs the ferry terminal next to it!

The ferry of course was flying the New Zealand flag as we cruised out of the Harbor.

One of the many sailing ships we cruised by. This one is sponsored by a New Zealand bank so it is probably a race boat.

I thought I was all ready for a day of sight seeing, however, I soon learned I should have packed sun screen. Despite the weather only being in the 70s and it being January I greatly underestimated the sun. I would pay dearly the next day with quite a sunburn.

The fairy headed back to Auckland.

While I waited for the tour to start I hiked up to the top of the harbor. It was a beautiful walk!

The Harbor from the tip of the headland.
Once I got back to the ferry landing we loaded up on a bus and the driver took us all over the Island. He pointed out a lot of the different beachs, olive and wine vinyards as well as some of the local attractions. This was one of the beautiful homes and tucked away beaches he pointed out. 

On the tour I met up with two other travelers, Anna from the Netherlands and Carl from England. We had lunch and a tasting of local wines at a cafĂ© in downtown Oneroa overlooking the beach. Afterwards we took a bus outside of the town to a local vineyard that had a restaurant and winery to sample more local olive oil and wine.

The views from the winery were amazing!

As evening approached a storm started to come into the island from Auckland. It made for some pretty impressive looking skies. This doesn't do it justice! But the sea gull didn't seem worried at all!

Such a wonderful day trip! I might have to go back again before I leave...

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