September 5, 2014

Tokatoka, The Kauri Museum and a Fig Tree

After leaving Bailey's Beach I headed down the coast to visit a few spots. The first spot of Tokatoka peak. This is an unusual little spot given it is such a tall peak but the surrounding land is so flat it gives an interesting view point. At the top the climb is very steep.

But the views make it all worth it once you get to the top. The tiny little yellow spec is my cute little Bumble Bee.  

After my climb I headed to the Kauri Museum to see the history of the kauri logging and some of the most amazing things that can be made from the beautiful wood.

Loved this bike! Reminded me of my cruiser back home but I'm thinking this one is a bit older.

While this is the land of No. 8 wire they had a pretty impressive display of barbed wire.

There were also some great antique furniture pieces made out of kauri.

So far a stuffed kiwi bird is as close as I have come.

These displays were my favorite. When you saw just how big these old trees were and had a visual of how long it took them to grow it was mind blowing.

Bumble Bee and I were even able to visit the Bushman's walk nearby.

I then traveled to see a great tree that was of a rather different variety. I tried fresh figs for the first time here and thought I should take the opportunity to see the great Moreton Bay Fig Tree. It did not fail to impress.


It was a pretty spot to end a nice day trip. 

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