September 5, 2014

Thursday Group - Bailey's Beach

For my last outing with the Thursday Women's Walking Group I got to visit one of the wild west coast beaches. These beaches are known for rough surf and are not good places to get in the water. But the beaches are often used as roads here and while we were walking we saw several cars traveling on it. The rocks and cliffs actually reminded me a little bit of Arizona. But the cute colorful baches dotting the hills were completely New Zealand.

There were also some interesting creatures on the beach and I got to learn about a local shell fish that people use to come here and gather to eat.

The rust colored lines really did look and crumble like rust if you touched them.

The weather went back and forth between trying to be nice and clouding up and threatening rain while we walked. The clouds only added to the pictures though.

One of my favorite things about this beach in particular was how much huge driftwood there was on the beach. I have seen some furniture and decorations made from the driftwood that I have really liked. Too bad it would probably be pretty hard to get home. It was a great start to the day and I decided to make a day roadtrip out of it and visit a couple more west coast attractions.

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