July 20, 2014

Muffy the Cat

I totally fell for the furry feline I got to take care of in Whangarei. And who wouldn't? He could totally be the stand in for the cat on the Fancy Feast commercials. And he had quite a personality which I love in cats. This little diva camped out on my bed a good chunk of the time and I admit that I tended to pester him a bit for pictures. He was just so photogenic.

Yep... I interrupted nap/bath time.

Such a regal king of the garden!

He was also a very good supervisor while I raked leaves and worked in the yard :)
One morning I had a pretty interesting little visitor. Down the chimney came a little birdie! There was quite a bit of racket as it flew around inside the wood burning stove. I decided to use a towel to contain the bird while I tried to get it outside. I was very worried about hurting the bird in the process. I covered the front of the stove with the towel and then used the towel to reach in and cover the bird. I got ahold of it... and it escaped my hands on the way to the door! It flew into the window but I was able to catch it with the towel again and  then release it outside. Seeing it fly away unharmed was a relief. What really made me laugh was this was where the cat was during the whole thing! He couldn't have cared less while it was going on! But, when I went to pet him he was was very very interested in what my hands smelled like! Little late to get interested in a mid morning snack!

Such a rough life :)

Muffy tended to mix up his napping spots, he was really creative as well. There was the ironing board phase,

The picnic table naps,

Even an under the dresser phase!

I adored his snoring while curled up next to me on the couch. He was such a sweetie and I really had a good time keeping him company while his family was away :) The pets have really been a great part of housesitting!

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