July 21, 2014

First Roadtrip North - Hokianga Harbor

Hokianga Harbor was a surprise, while when I was looking at the map I thought it would be neat to see this very large harbor I had not expected it to be as beautiful as it was. 

Part of the beauty was just the amazing colors that made up the area. One side of the harbor mouth are these giant golden sand dunes. And the water was just an odd blue.

There were lots of great bachs along the road, I really couldn't help but think this would be a perfect weekend get away spot, just picture perfect.

As I got into the town the beach was all these little cliffs and scattered with boulders that were really colorful.

I went out to the headland and did the short little walks out in the area, there is a multi day beach walk there you can do that would probably be pretty amazing. There are little camping areas along the beach that you walk along. I would have loved to explore a little more but the weather was starting to catch up with me. I think it made for some pretty pictures of the storm coming in across the harbor, not so much of a nice day for a picnic though. 
It was also funny the way that when you looked to one direction the weather was all beautiful and clear, to the other direction you could see the rain pouring down.

Since the weather wasn't quite the best for a picnic as I had planned at the headland, I decided to drive on while it was raining in hopes it would clear by the time that I made it to my next spot!

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