February 21, 2014

Mountain Biking - Windfarm Ride

February 1st I took my first mountain bike ride in New Zealand.


The family I had housesat for was amazing and I had a ton of fun with them over the past week. For my last day in Palmerston we went to the Wind Farm road and it was quite the view. For the record, this was a GREEN :) but there was a good amount of mud and puddles/pot holes that were so big you had to watch out. I'm sure the dirt bike rider that had to be helped back up onto the road after crashing trying to avoid a mud hole would agree. We did drive up to the top before starting, I can't imagine how much harder the ride would be to climb all the way up out of the valley to start. The views were amazing and it was weird hearing the noise that the big windmills make. The ride description had a very large warning about not doing this ride if it was windy. I don't think it is ever not windy along the tops of these hills!

Really fun afternoon getting muddy and even without crashing I somehow skinned up my knee so I looked like a pretty serious biker when we went for ice cream afterwards!

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