December 15, 2014

Three Day Roadtrip North - Day 1

Because I was lucky enough to have such an amazing family not only allow me to stay until the end of April but also let me keep using their car. I had also been lucky enough to work part time during part of March and April so I was able have some funds too. So over Easter weekend I decided to make sure I got to see to very top of the North Island and as much as I could along the way. Cape Reinga was the ultimate goal but I had a lot of ideas for the three days. I even had a retro paper map to keep me company. My Dad has always been a map fan and given the questionable Google maps coverage here in New Zealand, I thought it was a good idea. Being me and hating itineraries I decided not to book anything in advance but instead to just have a loose plan and see where I was at the end of the day. Had I only known how big of a holiday weekend Easter was here!
I headed north and my first stop was near the town of Paihia to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.  It is a very important spot for the country and right on the beautiful Bay of Islands.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds is the place that commemorates where the 1840 treaty between the british government and the Maori chiefs. I took advantage of the nearby mangrove boardwalk and took a stroll down to the local waterfall, Haruru Falls.

I feel much better about these mangrove boardwalks knowing that there are no crocodiles waiting under it.... but it does make you think about things like that!

Along the way I found a tree that was filled with one of my favorite birds here, shags. There were birds nested and rested in just about every branch. 

Haruru Falls were in fine form from all of the recent rain.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds was my first real chance to see a Maori cultural performance and learn a little bit more about some of the history. That included a very important waka, or war canoe. We were told that this canoe actually had carried British Royalty but I have heard that might have been some embellishment by the tour guide. Either way the decorative carving was very impressive.

I also saw for the first time a "selfie stick"... I must say that I was pretty appalled at how many pictures of herself this girl took during the tour. She was quite intent on getting herself in front all of the points of interest and didn't seem to care at all about what the guide was saying. I admit to several selfies while here, traveling alone does prompt a few, but this was a whole different culture and one that I just really don't think I like.

On the grounds the original homestead from the 1830s and was where the British representative for New Zealand lived and conducted business. The house and gardens have been restored as part of the grounds now.

The flags flying from this mast depict several stages of New Zealand flags used for ships and allowing New Zealand to trade with other countries.

The grounds are also home to Te Whare Rūnanga or the House of Assembly, which  is a carved meeting house. While there I was able to see a cultural performance with a traditional welcoming ceremony, haka, and dancing and singing inside the meeting house.

From Waitangi I headed north to Kerikeri. I had already visited but thought I would spend the night and enjoy a little bit more of the area around the stone store and the reserve. Nearby is a historical Pa or Maori settlement area and a waterfall walk. 


Wharepuke Falls

From the old stone store I decided to call things a day. However, it was at this point I discovered my lack of planning and just see where things go attitude was going to cost me a bit that weekend. As it was a popular vacation weekend when I went to find a room in Kerikeri, I discovered there were no backpacker beds left. And the smallest room I found left was a four person suite. This felt like a pretty big waste since I was planning to be on the road right at daylight but I did get a funny surprise in the bathroom at least.
Yep... That would be a pink shower! After testing it out and picking which bed I was going to use I decided to call it an early night so that I could be up early. So much more to see on Day 2!!

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