September 17, 2014

The Flowers of Rummery Manor

My mom has commented that a lot of my pictures are of green things here and she is worried I might have  a hard time moving back to the desert. I would have to agree that I have liked living somewhere that beautiful plants grow EVERYWHERE!  I can't help but think of my sad little potted plants back at home and feeling so sorry for them. The flowers that grow here are just everywhere. I've never had a green thumb or really been that interested in what different flowers are but here you just can't help it. Talk about it being easy to impress a girl here, just grab a few flowers that are growing along the road! Although....the girls here are maybe so use to these flowers it wouldn't impress them....Anyway! These flowers were not just growing anywhere, they are from the gardens all around the house that I was housesitting in Whangarei. It doesn't take long to see that lots of work goes into these gardens and I had fun snapping pictures around the house.

And they don't just grow impressive flowers. They have a gorgeous grape vine around their deck, a lemon tree, a peach tree along the drive and passion fruit too. I really enjoyed the little garden as well which gave me some nice little peppers and herbs for cooking.

There was just something so nice about walking outside and picking food to take back into cook. It reminded me of when I was younger since my mom always had a garden. It has been a little bit interesting to realize that some of the things I like here do remind me of home a little and for some reason I didn't appreciate them until I was here. I guess it is easy to over look what is right in front of you, but when you are in another country you are trying not to overlook anything. 

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