May 18, 2014

Tiki Tours of Whangarei

The fun and games with the neighbors wasn't limited to just the horses. They really were great about inviting me out to lots of places with the family. In New Zealand they call small day tours Tiki Tours and I am quite the fan. This is sort of a mish mash of a few of those out and about tiki tours I've gotten to do around Whangarei.

First up, we checked out Whangarei Falls one afternoon and got to see some pretty cute ducks. I found the falls really beautiful and made plans to go back very soon. I liked that a person could walk across the small bridge right up at the top of the falls.

Close to the falls I was introduced to Mair Park which had an amazing trail in it for running. I had a possible second housesit in Whangarei that would have put me right along the trail. That would have helped my struggling running totals a lot! I did a lot of walking up north, but not much running really.


One night we grabbed fish and chips at Stumpy's Takeaways. This is the takeaway shop that they have grabbed fish and chips at for years. It is right along the way to their Bach up along the beach so they had a family tradition of driving up during the summer and grabbing fish and chips for tea on the way out. To define a couple things: tea is what they call dinner or supper here; a bach is a holiday home or cabin, and instead of getting something to go or having fastfood, they have takeaway. We took our fish and chips to a little park on the harbor and got to enjoy a nice sunset with tea.
 Farmer's Markets were very popular in the area and one Sunday we went up to the Kerikeri Market. I really wish that I had gotten some pictures there in the market. Their markets are really great, with flowers, live music, and wonderful coffee and baked goods. But while we were there we visited the little harbor area near the Stone Store.

They have a couple walking tracks nearby the old house and the old general type store. It was a really interesting old area of the town to visit.

We spent a morning walking along the mangrove walkway in the harbor of Whangarei and got to see a bright morning out on the water.

We also checked out Kiwi North one day. This was a little village right outside Whangarei that was restored and had a lot of interesting things to look at. It even had a restored miniature train that you could ride.

When I have visited the old houses here I am always shocked by how tall the ceilings are the doorway on the right is a full size door so the ceiling has to be at least 12 feet. The ceilings in the rooms were just as high. It struck me because they are so big and so grand for "pioneer" houses. At the same time, it reminds me in ways of Scout's Rest Ranch.

This was part of the medical museum.... super creepy!!

Sadly the bird recovery center was closed and we didn't end up going in to see the Kiwi's. I am hoping to see one while I am here.
They also had a little trail that we explored... because I am sure that this sign was just kidding. Nothing serious.

I couldn't help but try out a little natural swing that I spotted. I don't know that is how you are suppose to use those vines, but hey, it worked.

We caught the big new bridge up letting a boat out one day as we were driving around. Since then I have even spotted this bridge in a car commercial on TV.

The  harbor in downtown Whangarei had several cafe's, shops and art galleries to check out. With the boats in the harbor this area also had a wonderful backdrop.

I was impressed with all of the flags on this boat, I wanted to ask if the boat had docked in all of those countries.

And one of the things that the Kiwi's really know is chocolate! I got to go to the chocolate shop in the harbor and my parents recently got their care package that included some of the shop's fudge. For a chocolate lover there is just something magical about all the little chocolate lined up in the case.
As you can see, there really was always something to do! These were a few of the many things that have kept the blog quiet while I was up there!

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