March 10, 2014

Grey's Reserve Walk

I have been trying to get my mileage back up on the running but it has been a struggle! When I think about it I just do not have the urge to go and run like I usually do. I can't help but wonder if that is because I just don't have the stress and frustration that use to fuel my runs. It seems like I might have to retrain myself to go for runs because I enjoy it and not because I need a stress and frustration outlet. The other thing that is challenging is that I want to run.... but I want to take pictures too! And there is just nothing fun or cool about running with a big camera around your neck :)

So I decided to try and compromise. I ran four miles out to Gray's Reserve with my camera in my backpack. Walked around and took pictures of the reserve and then ran back. It was a bit of a warm day and really hard to turn down the two offers for rides back into town that I got! I give a lot of credit to my IPod's shuffle wisdom. The reserve was pretty small but it was an example of what the area around Poverty Bay would have looked like before the land was cleared by logging and for agriculture.

The trees were so tall I was barely able to get them al in a picture, I resisted the urge to lie on the ground under them to see if that would work!

All over the huge roots of the trees covered the path trying to trip you while they collected moss.

In one spot there was an interesting grouping of trees, they were packed in and very large so it was hard for me to get a good picture but the last three pictures were my attempts. Some of the trees are very tall and straight, but almost wrapping around these tall straight trees were a couple of these really weirdly bent ones. In one spot it kind of looked like one tree was giving the other a hug.

8 miles running, one mile walking in the shade in the middle, and I still have two dogs that would really like a walk!

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