March 21, 2014

Getting out of Gisborne!

It was an end to a really nice month of February on the east coast of New Zealand. I definitely learned that I don't know if I could handle two inside dogs full time. I tested out driving on the left and really feel surprisingly good about it!

Even had a pretty cute little starter car here :)

It was a good car for taking the two dogs on adventures and for my first roadtrip. Speaking of the dogs I will be missing them and the two cats that I enjoyed spending time with.

But March 1st I travel by bus again all the way from the East Coast over to Auckland and then north to Whangarei.  This month has been a failure in the job front and not the best for keeping up with my running. BUT, I have gotten some good reading done, and spent a lot of quality time on the beach. Another success has been that while I spent time on the beach I have avoided a sunburn here in Gisborne. I have high hopes for my time in Whangarei and plan to focus on finding a job when I get there.

March 20, 2014

Pouawa and Turihaua Beaches

After a last day in Gisborne watching the sunrise from Wainui Beach I decided to drive north and walk along one of the beaches. I decided to visit Pouawa and Turihaua beaches. I enjoyed a nice 5 mile stroll on the beach to prepare for a long 13 hour bus trip the next day. These beaches are about 30k north of Gisborne along the east coast highway. If gas were not quite so expensive.... $2.12 a liter... I would have loved to drive further up the coast to see the light coast on the far east tip of Gisborne. But I digress. The beach was beautiful. It started out a bit cloudy and ended up clearing a bit. Which made for some beautiful and interesting pictures. As I was walking around the rocky headland I definitely had the thought that I should probably start figuring out tide times if I am going to walk along the beach like that again.

This area of the beach has rocks that stretch out into the ocean and make for some impressive waves.

What a beautiful spot for a house, these were the only two on these beaches!

This estuary confused me. The first time I came to this beach the water flowed out this river, onto the beach and into the ocean. But the second two times I went it was divided from going into the ocean by a ridge of sand.

Just can't get enough beach pictures...

March 16, 2014

Last Beach Sunrise of Wainui Beach

While I am certain there area a lot of wonderful places to watch the sunrise, this has been one of my favorites. For those who know me and how not a morning person I am, the fact I got up 3 days at 5:30 to go and watch the sunrise really says something. Surfers, walkers, runners and some dogs were in agreement with me. This is quite the beach to be on at sunrise. Went a little crazy with the pictures but it was just so beautiful.


Gorgeous way to start the day. Might have to start making this a habit.... but that will mean kicking my snooze button habit.