January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Good Afternoon from Auckland 2014!!

Well "yesterday" which is now two days ago somehow was quite the day of travel. I started December 30th in Nebraska with my parents and two of my brothers. Three plane rides, a little time travel and a sort of long day and night later, I arrived in New Zealand on the first day of 2014.

Leaving my family and my friends yesterday was hard, in LA I made last minute texts and phone calls to people and have to admit I struggled to turn that phone off when I got on board.

But the plane and flight were amazing. New Zealand Air is a pretty classy airline!

When I switched terminals I saw this and took a picture of it for my brothers, little did I know I had snapped the actual plan I would be traveling on. I really got a kick out of their safety video too, probably the first time I have paid attention on one in about a decade!

 Watch the video here.

I also got a pretty good view of my first sunrise here as we flew into Auckland at about 7 am this morning.

I am staying in downtown Auckland at a hostel for the very first time. I am about to check in and see what my room looks like.... not going to lie I am a little nervous. I am sharing a room with 7 other girls and sharing a community bathroom for the first time since college.

Since I got in so early I decided to walk around a little bit and took a few pictures down by the harbor as a rain storm was headed in. I am hoping to go for my first run in New Zealand with my snazzy watch later this afternoon. I also realized when I landed it is a good thing I have great friends who got me this watch because without a cell phone this is the only way I have any idea what time it is!


These pictures really don't do the blue green water justice. It is very pretty even when gray and cloudy here.

Well hope that all of you back in the States have a wonderful New Years Eve tonight!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you made it there safely! Great first post, I look forward to the rest. It was wonderful to meet with you and your mom for lunch. I am glad that you have this opportunity and hope you have had a great first week!
