October 18, 2014

Beautiful Beach Walks of Matapouri Beach, Whale Bay and Tutukaka Harbor

I lucked out an on a beautiful Sunday afternoon I was able to head north up the east coast to see some great coast. I first made a stop near the Tutukaka Harbor and checked out the track that leads out to the lighthouse, if you time your trip right at low tide. Sadly I didn't quite time my trip right, and by that I mean I had no idea when tide was low that day so I figured the best thing to do was just enjoy the views of the harbor!

But the track to the island area did look pretty amazing, maybe I will have to go back and check out the lighthouse on another visit.

My next stop was up the coast a little farther at Matapouri Beach. I had visited right before Cyclone Lusi hit but I got a really great evening this time for photos.
If you follow the beach around to the north there is a really great track up along the headlands and around to Whale Bay.

This is a really rocky rough part of the coast and it has some beautiful little spots tucked in along it.

I loved how Whale Bay was tucked along in between two rocky areas so that there is no access unless you walk along the track. It gave it a very private and secluded feel. And while I had it all to myself I think that the incoming weather probably had more to do with that than the location.


Always a great view when the moon is out and the clouds are lit from a sunset!

This really doesn't give justice at all to this view. As I walked back I could see some rain moving in and was quite worried because I didn't have my cover for my camera with me. But the rain started back to the west right as the sun was setting, making it look like pink rain. Just a really great view. 

My side kick on all of these trips has been dubbed "Bumble Bee". He was a bit dusty after a little bit of the dirt road exploring I had been doing and got a little love from the neighbors I wanted to capture just in case the rain washed it away. All in all it was a great weekend and I was ready to start planning my big roadtrip for the upcoming Easter Weekend!